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Cicadas Set To Emerge In Illinois

Cicadas Set to Emerge in Illinois

Dual Brood Emergence in 2024

Prepare for a buzzing spring in Illinois as two broods of periodical cicadas, Broods XIII and XIX, are set to emerge throughout much of the state. This phenomenon occurs once every 17 years, making 2024 a significant "cicada year."

Geographic Distribution

Cicadas occur in specific geographic areas, known as "broods." Each brood has a unique emergence year and location. In 2024, Broods XIII and XIX will emerge in various counties across Illinois.

Timing of Emergence

The exact timing of the emergence varies depending on the weather conditions. However, cicadas typically emerge from the ground in late May or early June, reaching their peak in mid-June.

Behavioral Characteristics

Cicadas spend most of their lives underground as nymphs. Once they emerge, they shed their exoskeletons and become adults with distinctive red eyes, transparent wings, and loud, buzzing calls. They mate, lay eggs, and then die within a few weeks.

Impact on the Environment

Cicada emergences provide a vital food source for other animals, such as birds, squirrels, and raccoons. Their large numbers can also attract predators like wasps and spiders. In addition, the sheer mass of cicadas can occasionally cause damage to trees and vegetation.
