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Celebrate Caturday The Unofficial Holiday For Feline Fans

Celebrate Caturday: The Unofficial Holiday for Feline Fans

The Origins of Caturday

While the exact origins of Caturday are shrouded in mystery, it is believed to have originated from the popular online forum 4chan.

The LOLcat Phenomenon

On Saturdays, users on 4chan began posting humorous images of cats known as "LOLcats," characterized by their funny captions and bad grammar.

The Spread of Caturday

Over time, the Caturday tradition spread beyond 4chan to other social media platforms and websites, including Twitter, Instagram, and Reddit.

International Cat Day

Additionally, every year on August 8, cat enthusiasts worldwide celebrate International Cat Day, which is often colloquially referred to as Caturday.

How to Celebrate Caturday

There are countless ways to celebrate Caturday online. Some popular ways include:

  • Posting pictures of your cats on social media
  • Sharing funny cat memes and videos
  • Participating in online cat-related contests and giveaways
  • Donating to cat charities or volunteering at local shelters


Whether it's the official International Cat Day or any ordinary Saturday, Caturday has become a beloved tradition for cat lovers everywhere. It's a day to celebrate the joy, laughter, and companionship that our feline friends bring into our lives. So next time a Saturday rolls around, don't forget to embrace the Caturday spirit and spread some feline cheer online.
